Jeremiah’s Plot Community Garden
Jeremiah’s Plot is a mission-based community garden with a focus on donating home-grown, organic produce to local food pantries. We are blessed to have an on-site greenhouse that allows us to grow fresh fruit and vegetables year-round—even in the cold winter months. In 2023, despite the intense summer heat, our gardeners donated over 560 pounds of produce!
In 2024, our goal is to improve our infrastructure to allow us to grow even more food. For example, we’re currently working on redoing our fence to keep those pesky rabbits from using the gardens as a free-for-all buffet. Those cute little critters never seem to be full and word got out to all their friends! We’re also working towards becoming a more sustainable community. One of our long-time gardeners is working on setting up a vermicompost station that will allow us to, naturally and organically, improve our soil from our local thick clay to rich fluffy beds. Other gardeners are focusing on planting more native plants to support the local pollinators and native bees.
We can’t wait to see what other creative ideas our gardeners and local community come up with to help feed the hungry! If you would like to learn more about Jeremiah’s Plot or even just volunteer without the long-term commitment, please email us at . Everyone is welcome, regardless of religion.
WPPC’s Community Garden was officially named “Jeremiah’s Plot”, in reference to Jeremiah 32:6-15.
..And what does the Lord require of you, but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?
– Micah 6:8