Pastor’s Corner – March 19, 2023

John 9:1-41 

This coming Sunday we encounter a familiar story of a man born blind. It’s a story where we find ourselves singing “amazing grace, how sweet the sound…I was once blind but now I see!” It’s a grace filled story because Jesus noticed and sought after him. However, the disciples were asking the wrong questions again, “whose fault is it that the man was born blind?” Before we are quick to judge, think about that question for a moment. We too see problems everywhere and if we are smart enough, we can give fairly good opinions or reasons behind the problems and even suggest solutions. Theologically it made more sense that all problems come from sin, the root cause of human misery! But Jesus didn’t see it that way. He saw problems as an occasion to shed the light of God’s presence. Like the children’s story that was read by Sami Mikhail at Spunky Church last Sunday, “What Do You Do with A Problem” a child moves from fear of the problems to discovery of inner beauty in problems. “Every problem has an opportunity for something good. You just have to look for it.” 

In the words of Jesus, “so that God’s work might be revealed in him.” (vs.3), It’s an opportunity for God’s work and so should you! There is a sense of urgency, “We must work the works of him who sent me while it is day; night is coming when no one can work.” 

As we journey together during the Lenten season, let us come together and worship God who seeks out and sees our problems in life and in our world as opportunities for something good and that we may truly see with our hearts in the knowledge of God’s love for us and for the world. 

Pastor Dae