Pastor’s Corner – May 12, 2024

John 17:6-19

Jesus Prays for Us 

As we stand at the threshold of Pentecost season, Jesus reminds us that he will be with us in Spirit. In his long departure address, he prays for us, for unity and for protection. On the eve of his crucifixion with his imminent death on the cross Jesus prays for us. He knows his end has come and that like scattered sheep without shepherd, his disciples will be lost. At the same time he is confident that they will find their way, for in their hearts they know the love of God as he knows God’s love in his heart. Jesus prays for his disciples, with a promise that they will not be alone but that the same spirit that was in him will be with them, even in the face of death, nothing will separate them from God’s love. 

We feel in Jesus’ prayer his affection and love for his disciples. John reminds us that this prayer is not just for those disciples centuries ago, but for all future followers of Jesus as disciples. It’s a prayer for you and me. Jesus prays for us. Jesus knows that to be in the world is not easy as followers of his way. It’s hard enough to face ups and downs in life, but with added burden of mission, a purpose to make a better world in which we live, to serve and claim God’s kingdom here and now is no easy task. But John also reminds us that true joy is found in living into our calling as disciples of Jesus, that all our struggles in life can find meaning when we set our eyes on Jesus and follow him. Each of us has a role to play, as a body of Christ, to make God’s glory known, as peacemakers and restore humanity in our broken world. 

I came across this music piece created by David Archuleta that I want to share with you, follow the link and let it speak to your heart. Amen. 

There are times when
You might feel aimless
And can’t see the places
Where you belong
  But you will find that
There is a purpose
It’s been there within you
All along
And when you’re near it
You can almost hear it
  It’s like a symphony
Just keep listening
And pretty soon you’ll start
To figure out your part
  Everyone plays a piece
And there are melodies
In each one of us
Ooh it’s glorious
  And you will know how
To let it ring out
As you discover
Who you are
  Others around you
Will start to wake up
To the sounds that are
In their hearts
It’s so amazing
What we’re all creating
  It’s like a symphony
Just keep listening
And pretty soon you’ll start
To figure out your part
  Everyone plays a piece
And there are melodies
In each one of us
Ooh it’s glorious
  And as you feel
The notes build
You will see
  It’s like a symphony
Just keep listening
And pretty soon you’ll start
To figure out your part
  Everyone plays a piece
See there are melodies
In each one of us
Ooh it’s glorious