Worship at West Plano Presbyterian Church

At the heart of our church’s worship is a desire to encounter God, the One who created us and loves us. The God we seek also seeks us that we might live in communion with God and collaborate with God’s work to heal and reconcile the world.

In worship, we give ourselves to a patterned way of coming into God’s presence. The pattern we use has ancient roots and is shared broadly among many Christian churches and denominations. Therefore, we describe our worship as reflecting the Reformed liturgical tradition as expressed in Presbyterianism. More specifically, the liturgy we use is adapted from the 1993 Presbyterian Book of Common Worship with some texts borrowed from the larger ecumenical community. This means that we practice a weekly celebration of the Lord’s Supper.

The liturgical tradition to which we belong honors the body, mind, and soul of each person by making use of words, symbols, gestures, movement, song, and silence. Taken together, this constitutes a ritual practice that will be both familiar and unfamiliar to some. Each person is welcome to participate as she or he chooses. What we have learned is that it takes time to learn and grow into the pattern of the liturgy. 

If any of the practice seems unfamiliar, it is OK to watch in order to learn how worship is practiced at our church. Letting others show you the way is part of how we care for one another in worship. Also, to assist your worship, you will receive a printed worship aid that will provide helpful guidance and explanation.

No special dress is required when visiting our worship except that which makes you comfortable. If you have a young child, he or she is welcome also. At the same time, we provide child care with superb staff for whenever a parent or grandparent deems it would be helpful to a child.

Expect to be greeted when you arrive. You are free to sit where you wish. If needed, we will help assist you to your seat. Any with special needs or differentiated ability will be provided for appropriately.